Andrei Vince
Programmer & Engineer

About me

Who am I?

I’m a software engineering student with practical experience in mobile and web development, focused on building applications that work seamlessly and solve real problems. Through internships and personal projects, I’ve already tackled cross-platform development and backend engineering challenges, delivering fast, user-friendly apps that are deployed in the real world.

Work Experience


Software Developer Internship

(January 2024 - April 2024)

React Native / Prisma

I developed and implemented cross-platform solutions using React Native, ensuring a consistent user experience on Android and iOS devices. By applying user-centric design principles, I created an intuitive and engaging mobile app experience. I also navigated and resolved challenges related to cross-platform compatibility, ensuring optimal performance across various devices.


Software Engineer

(2023 - 2024)

Swift UI / Firebase

Created an iOS app for YourStudent that received a 5-star rating on the Apple Store. Used Swift UI and Firebase to design a user-friendly app with real-time notifications. Developed an article reader platform and admin module for administrators to post articles. Added visuals, titles, and content to increase user engagement.



Flask / Python

RecipeShare is a web app that enables users to upload, share, and discover new recipes. Users can create an account, upload their recipes to a database, and search through the recipes to find the ones they want.

Predicting Student Grades

Python / Machine Learning

This code uses a linear regression model from the scikit-learn machine learning library to predict students' grades based on their grades on two exams, absences, failures, and study time.

Classification Neural Network

Python / Machine Learning

This code trains a fashion image classification model using TensorFlow and tf.keras. It loads the Fashion MNIST dataset, preprocesses the data, defines a sequential model, compiles it, trains the model, predicts labels for test images, and visualizes the results.

Landing Page


This is a landing page I created for practice using CSS and HTML for the company Red Ventures. Its purpose is to direct users to the official website. This landing page is intended to showcase my skills in CSS and design.

Face Recognition


This is a face recognition software that can detect the user's face. I used cv2 to apply the necessary code to detect the user's camera. You can use your phone or computer's camera to utilize this software.

Personal Chef

Python / Database

This is a personal chef software that uses Python and a database to help you in the kitchen. You can add recipes to the database and search for recipes that match the ingredients you have at home.

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